Genomic DNA Isolation Kit from Yeast


General Information

Gentaur Genomic DNA Isolation Kit from Yeast is optimized for isolation of highly purified DNA from a variety of yeast species such as Candida, Saccharomyces, Pichia, and Schizosaccharomyces. In contrast to DNA isolation protocols from human cells or viruses, protocols for extraction of genomic DNA from yeast cells are either very time-consuming or results in poor release of yeast DNA. The rather tough cell wall of the yeast cell must be removed prior to the DNA isolation process by digestion with lyticase or zymolase.  From the resulting spheroplasts, it will be very easy to lyse the yeast cells and quickly release the DNA in the cell into the environment.

Downstream Applications

The purified genomic DNA is suitable for use in downstream applications such as PCR, Real-Time PCR, Southern Blot, Restriction Enzyme Digestion, Cloning, Hybridization studies, Genotyping, or Sequencing.


Yeast culture in liquid media or agar plates


Variable according to the type and number of the yeast cells


A 260 / A 280 ratio: 1, 80 – 1,90


Yeast culture in liquid media or agar plates


About 2.5 hours


Catalog No

Test Size


50 tests


100 tests